STAFF FOCUS: Lenita Mincey


Common House Richmond’s Assistant General Manager

LENITA’S GREAT GRANDPARENTS sparked her interest in restaurants. The owners of A&B Café in Newport News, her great grandmother, Lillie Parrish, or “Madea” (as she was nicknamed) did the cooking and her great grandad, Willie, ran operations. “I thought it was the coolest thing seeing them run their restaurant,” Lenita recalls. The days she spent at A&B Café set the stage for her own career in hospitality. From bussing tables in high school to now serving as Common House Richmond’s Assistant General Manager, Lenita continues to make a big impact in RVA’s restaurant community. 

Of Lenita’s many gifts, she is a people person. “It sounds corny but even as a teenager, I was like: If you made somebody smile or laugh, then it was a good day.” That philosophy guided her throughout early childhood and into college where she attended VCU. She majored in Public Relations and worked in restaurants part-time. After graduating, she thought, “What if I stayed in hospitality?” Lenita realized just how much she enjoyed it and began learning the ins and outs of the industry while working at Maggiano’s. 

Lenita took on various roles at Maggiano’s: doing banquet sales, running the host stand, and balancing the books. She became a jack of all trades, further developing her skill set while working at the Jefferson Hotel and most recently, Fatty Smokes. When COVID hit, she, like many restaurant employees, was furloughed. “I didn’t know what my next step was going to be.” But then, she saw a listing for Common House Richmond’s Assistant General Manager posted by fellow restaurateur, Chauncey Jenkins. The more she learned about Common House, the more excited she became. All of her professional experiences converged into one. 

She notes, “Common House has this cool causal vibe and fine dining component as well. When I thought about the places I’ve worked, I felt as if I was getting ready for this. Have you seen the Avenger’s? It was like I had been collecting all the gems in my gauntlet to be a part of Common House!” With the House opening on October 15, Lenita is most excited to meet new people and bring them together through food, drink, and programming. “It’s a place that I’ve been looking for, and I can’t wait to get started.” 

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