Member Focus: LaBarron Burwell


When it comes to wellness, LaBarron Burwell is what you'd call an expert. He's been quietly behind the scenes, helping facilitate many of the programs members have seen in the House (boxing, dancing, sound bath, yoga, and an upcoming day dedicated to mental hygiene).

Tell us a bit about what you do.

I proudly serve as the first African American male Faculty & Employee Assistance Program Consultant at UVA, where I offer assessment, short-term counseling, referral, and follow-up at no cost to employees or their families.

I also own and manage Hol Fruit Consulting, focused on wellness programming and executive coaching. What excites me about my current work is reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. It's fulfilling to witness individuals who once felt ashamed about mental health become advocates themselves. I'm grateful to play a role in that transformation.

Can you explain the term “Mental Hygiene”?

My approach to mental health revolves around the concept of Mental Hygiene. This approach emphasizes daily practices that promote mental strength, clarity, and cognition in our everyday lives. While recognizing the value of traditional therapy and medication, Mental Hygiene highlights that they aren't the sole avenues for mental health support. Instead, it empowers individuals to develop their own practices, enhancing their self-efficacy in managing mental health challenges. This often lays the groundwork for embracing more traditional methods.

Rooftop Yoga, the first in a four-part Holiday Stress Relief Series hosted by LaBarron Burwell, with guest instructor, Lavon Egleton.

We heard you love golf—what drew you to the sport?

I appreciate the nuances of the game — the skill required and the outdoor nature of the sport. My journey into golf started when I beat some guys in basketball and they threw a golf challenge at me. Despite being initially terrible at it, that experience hooked me onto the game.

What’s your favorite spot in Common House?

I love spending time in the Tea Room with the mural by Ryan Trott.

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability what would it be?

The power to teleport. I want to see the world and experience life in so many ways.